Upgrade from standard OEM onboard tile stringers for heavy-duty strength, durability and convenience. HyPro onboard stringers are built to last, and can be put on or custom-adapted to fit any plow—Bron, Wolfe, Interdrain and more.
Positive, chain-drive reel minimizes slippage, maintenance and tile stretch, and unit durability is ensured with a 16,000 pound spindle. Wings easily fold up (using spring-loaded latches) for compact transport position. An automated drive system that monitors plow speed and matches unwind speed is under development.
Wings easily and quickly fold up for transport, thanks to spring-loaded latches where conventional stringers use pins. This elminates lost pins.
Positive chain-drive reel minimizes slippage, maintenance and tile stretch.
Tile guide bar arms are adjustable and swing on pivot point.